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5 Self-Care Practices that are Hotel-Friendly

By: Gabriela Lobo

Orlando is known for big adventures and epic stories. Whether you’re here for vacation or work, it’s easy to get caught up in the fairytale of it all.  

To stay grounded and prioritize your health, try one or all of these self-care practices while staying at Rosen Centre.   

Schedule a Slow Morning 

If you have a long day ahead of you full of conference sessions or riding rollercoasters, try to plan a slow morning.  

Wake up an hour earlier and grab some much-needed caffeine from Smoooth Java, which serves Starbucks beverages. Sip your coffee in the lobby as you people-watch the morning buzz at the hotel.  

Smoooth Java at Rosen Centre

Go back to your room and write out your daily affirmations and manifestations to start out your day on the right foot.  

Take your time getting ready and face your day with a calm and level-headed mind. 

Rejuvenate with a Spa Treatment 

Dive deep into your wellness and book an appointment at The Spa at Rosen Centre 

You can choose from an express service, like the 25-minute “Pick-Me-Up Massage” or splurge on an 80-minute massage.  

This treatment can help alleviate any momentary stressors you’re feeling and transport you to ultimate relaxation.  

The Spa at Rosen Centre

Get Drinks Poolside at Harry’s 

After a long day of Orlando experiences, some time to decompress is much needed.   

We recommend stopping by Harry’s Poolside Bar & Grill for Caribbean-Cuban inspired cuisine and tropical drinks that’ll whisk you off to paradise with one sip.  

The sparkling blue décor and upbeat music will help you forget about any troubles throughout the day.  

Self-Care at Hotel with drink from Harry's Poolside and Grill at Rosen Centre

Treat Yourself to a Gourmet Dinner at Everglades 

While quick lunches are designed to quickly satisfy your hunger, we think you deserve to treat yourself to a creative gourmet meal.  

Look no further than Everglades Restaurant, located in the lobby of the hotel, featuring fresh Florida flavors.  

You can find delicious local seafood, meats, and produce proudly served here. The dim lighting and unique Florida artwork makes dining here a complete experience.   

Dinner at Everglades Restaurant at Rosen Centre

Soak in the Hot Tub 

Wash all your worries away in one of the two hot tubs found by the pool.  

The bubble jets surround you and work their magic on your body. After a few minutes in the warm and relaxing tub, you’ll start to feel better and just like the bubbles, your stress will fizzle away.  

To elevate your experience, take this time away from any screens and reflect on the positives in your life. Practicing gratitude can greatly improve your mental health and help you appreciate each passing day. 

Indulge in a Serene Stay 

To round out a stay where you are the priority, be sure to book a room at Rosen Centre. Here, you are the center of the staff’s attention, and your needs are always considered.  

You’ll sleep easily in their plush beds knowing that you’re in good hands. Book today.   

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